EduVis Workshop


IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities

Workshop goals and Topics
Call for Submission
Important Dates
Program Committee


IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities 2024

This is the second IEEE VIS EduVis Workshop on Visualization Education, Literacy, and Activities. This workshop happens with the IEEE VIS 2024 conference. This workshop aims to become a forum to share and discuss advances, challenges, and methods at the intersection of visualization and education. The workshop addresses an interdisciplinary audience from and beyond visualization, education, learning analytics, science communication, psychology, or people from adjacent fields such as data science, AI, and HCI. It will include presentations of research papers and working group discussions.

The full workshop proposal is available here.


The workshop is scheduled for Sunday, October 13th (8:30 - 15:00 ET/UTC-4).

Block 1: 8:30 am to 9:45 am ET (UTC-4)

8:30 - 8:40: Workshop Opening & Outline (Fateme Rajabiyazdi)

8:40 - 9:10: Keynote: Playful data visualisations: data literacy across the school curriculum - Kate Farrell, Director of Curriculum Development and Professional Learning, Data Education in Schools (Chair: Benjamin Bach)

Bio: Kate Farrell works on the Data Education in Schools project developing and delivering professional learning workshops for teachers and creating data literacy and data science activities for Primary and Secondary learners. Kate led the team creating the national Secondary school qualifications in Data Science in Scotland. She advised on the Computing Science outcomes in the Scottish Curriculum, co-wrote a guide for Primary and Early Years (K-6) on teaching data literacy and developed new badge activities in computational thinking with Girl Guiding. Kate is constantly amazed she gets to have fun creating data literacy escape rooms, puzzles, games and unplugged activities. Recently, she has been also finding her degree in AI gained in the ‘dark ages of AI’ is becoming useful as the team work on AI literacy activities and resources.

Talk: Investigate ways to get creative with data literacy with children and young people through hands-on data visualisation activities that have been developed and used with thousands of learners across Scotland and worldwide. Activities will include a zero-waste data physicalisation activity (“Fizzy Data”), a large-scale participatory data weaving activity, a set of mindful drawing activities and an interactive online activity encoding your personal data into digital art. We will finish by looking at further possibilities for representing data through non-traditional creative media, such as embroidery, 3-D printing, and playdough, with an emphasis on sustainability.

9:10 - 9:45: Paper Session 1: Teaching Data Visualization (Chair: Jonathan Roberts)

Block 2: 10:15 am to 11:30 am ET (UTC-4)

Paper Session 2: Experience and Engagement (Chair: Christina Stoiber)

Block 3: 12:00 pm to 1:15 pm ET (UTC-4)

Paper Session 3: Visualization Processes (Chair: Jillian Aurisano)

Block 4: 1:45 pm to 3:00 pm ET (UTC-4)

Working Group Discussions (Session Chair: Mandy Keck)


If you wish to join us, please register for the Virtual Participation ($20): Registration

Workshop goals and scope of topics

With this workshop, we want to achieve the following goals:


New this year, are submissions to focus on topics relevant to the EduVIS community. Three general submission tracks for this year’s workshop:

Visualization for Education [Vis4Ed]: use of visualization in educational settings of any discipline or topic

AI for Visualization Education [AI]: integrate or limit tools like ChatGPT and generative AI into visualization education

Generic Topics in Visualization and Education [General]: includes any other submission relevant to the workshop

The workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

Submission Guidelines and Reviewing Process

The workshop will accept two types of submissions, peer-reviewed by at least two PC members and one workshop organizer.

Paper submissions: full papers (4-8 pages excluding references, must follow the formatting guidelines for VGTC Conference Style Template); submissions will be published at the IEEE Xplore with authors’ permission. Note: Similar to the VIS paper stream, we accept both double-blind (anonymized) and single-blind (not anonymized) submission

Educator reports: short reports (1-2 pages, template agnostic) to discuss opinions or reflections on teaching experiences or describe the results of a datavis activity conducted and how it could be reused by others and in other contexts; they will be published in the Nightingale magazine (pre-arranged with the Data Visualization Society). This is not intended to be assessed as scientific writing; we recommend framing these reports similar to blog posts. The goal of these reports is to disseminate knowledge to non-academic audiences.

At least one author for each paper or educator report must register and attend the conference in person or virtually.

Important Dates

All deadlines are at 11:59pm (23:59) AoE Anywhere on Earth

Submissions will be accepted through PCS.

Program Committee


General Track

Vis4Ed Track

AI Track